Monday, September 28, 2009

Its hard enough being a teenage girl...

I never knew fighting was such a huge problem among girls, especially high school girls. And I sure as heck never knew guys thought it was attractive (the opinion some girls in my class had). Where I went to high school we of course had fights. Usually it was fights between guys with the occasional girl fight. Once we even had a girl hit a guy in the face! But none of that has ever been seen as cool, or not in my eyes atleast.

I couldn't imagine being a girl and going to school everyday where I was scared I was going to be bullied and hazed. Girls have it hard enough growing up without the hazing and stuff they dont deserve to be getting at school. I think the girls being the bullies and doing the hazing are trying to come across as big and bad, like the top dogs of the school. When really it seems like they are just so low themselves they have to put others down to feel better about themselves. Girls are just plain mean and will do just about anything to hurt somebody if it means benefiting themself.

In refrence to, "When the Cool Get Hazed" by Tina Kelley, a "slut list" doesn't really surprise me. Girls today are getting the picture that being a slut is the cool thing. But who can blame them for thinking that way? Its all thats on the TV and in magazines that we read. Really, its the only view of a girl that is in public. Guys are starting to pressure girls at a much younger age, causing the girl to have to make a choice about sexual acts much earlier than she ever should. Some girls think they have to come across as a slut so guys will like them. Especially if the girl doesnt have the money to dress in all the nice clothes or have all the nice things, being a slut is a way she can stand out to a guy and get his attention.

With the way society is today, and all the pressure being put on teenage girls, who can blame these girls for some of the decisions they are making? To them, it just seems to be the way things are.

Monday, September 7, 2009

About Me

My name is Mary Bruce Watson, and I do go by Mary Bruce. I'm a sophomore here at WKU. I have an undecided major right now, but am interested in pre-pharmacy. I'm from a fairly small town not far from here, Glasgow. I have lived there my whole life and loved it! I graduated with the best group of people I could have ever asked for. After graduating I went to the University of Kentucky my freshman year. I found myself overwhelmed at such a large campus and being too far away from home. All my friends go to Western and love it, so I decided to make the switch.

From this class I expect to learn about the different roles women have and also how women are viewed and treated in different places of the world. From this university I expect the best education I can get and also many opportunities to prepare me for life and work after college. As far as what I expect from life-I believe life is what you make it! And I am trying to make it the best it can possibly be :)